The art of the USSR

Website of collector Mihaila Arefyeva

Shirokova Inna Alekseevna

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From the family of F. A. Shpak and A. P. Shirokov. Studied at the Gorkiy Art College (1956-1961).

After graduation she returned to her birthplace, Kirov, and started to work in art production workshops of the Art Fund of the Artists’ Union of the RSFSR. Was elected member of the board of the Kirov branch of the Artists’ Union of Russia (1976-1981). Distinguished Artist of the RSFSR (1987). Was awarded the diploma of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (2004). Author of the book “My Canvas of Life. Kirov 2006 (in the same year she received a prize at the competition “Vyatsk Book of the Year”).

“Composedly and clearly, dashing onto the canvas the fullness of her passion, love and feeling of the non-secret. An amazing world, full of consent and harmony; flowers that live and radiate warmth; the golden Khokhloma (painted wooden articles), the blue Gzhel (ceramics) and Dymkovskiy (pottery toys), created by human talent and soulful joy as the incarnation of a joyful holiday … All this is there in her works, natural and beautiful. Yet there is no predetermined artistic outcome, monotony or one-dimensionality. But how could that be, if she, always open and natural, also acknowledges openness and naturalness in others?”

Perestoronin, Nikolay. The Canvas of the Life of Inna Shirokova. “The Vyatsk Region” 2007 (May 31st)

Site of the collector M. Arefyev.

Art from the USSR.