Avetov Mikhail Nikitich
In 1914 - 1916, he studied at the School of Drawing (Society of Encouragement of Arts) at N.K. Roerich, A.A. Rylov's, at Voronezh Art College (1916-1918) at D.N. Kardovsky's. From 1918 to 1920, he lived in Vladivostok, was traveling in the Far East and China. Since 1922, he lived in Moscow. A member and exhibitor of the associations "Moscow Painters" (1925), "Genesis" (1926 - 1929), Society of Moscow Artists (1930 - 1932).
He participated in numerous exhibitions in Soviet Russia. Headed the Bureau of Creative Orders of the Art Fund Painting Expo Plant (1944-1948).
His artworks are presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl Art Gallery, and other museums of the former Soviet Union.