The art of the USSR

Website of collector Mihaila Arefyeva
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z # а б в г д е ж з и к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш э ю я

Khorenko Vladimir Fyodorovich

November 27th, 1927, Stalino – 2001, Donetsk

Kondrashov Sergey Nikolaevich

November 27th, 1957, farm Verkhnie Duby, Cossack village of Mityakinskaya, Rostov Province

Landarsky Robert Efimovich

01.04.1936 -

Painter. A member of the Belarusian Union of Artists since 1979. People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus.

Lavrinenko Ruslan Lvovich

November 25th, 1928, Northern Manchuria, China

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Site of the collector M. Arefyev.

Art from the USSR.