The art of the USSR

Website of collector Mihaila Arefyeva
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z # а б в г д е ж з и к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш э ю я

Huseynov Eyyub Museyib oglu

Born on September 3, 1916 in Nakhchivan.

He died on April 17, 1998.

Kadushkin Aleksey Mikhaylovich

1925, village of Ilyinka, Ryazanskaya Guberniya – 1984, Moscow

Kamil Khanlarov

Date of birth: March 9, 1915.

Place of birth: Baku, Azerbaijan, USSR.

Year of death: 1996.

Karacharskov Nikolay Prokofyevich

November 14th, 1935, village of Shadrikha, Poretskiy District of Chuvashiya

Kazakov Boris Ivanovich

Born in 1927, Baku. Died in 2019, Moscow.

Kerimbeyli Ziya Abdullovich

05/11/1922 - 06/10/1975, Baku

Khalilov Farhad

Farhad Kurban oglu Khalilov (Azerb. Xəlilov Fərhad Qurban oğlu, October 26, 1946, Baku) - Soviet and Azerbaijani artist. People's Artist of Azerbaijan (2002), Chairman of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan.

Khmelko Mikhail Ivanovich

23.10.1919 - 1996, Kiev

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Site of the collector M. Arefyev.

Art from the USSR.